This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog.

S’s are incredibly valuable people, because long after the D’s and i’s have moved on to other things, the S’s are still there, faithfully attending to what needs to be done. They are relational, but more comfortable one-on-one or in small groups. They’re not the people with 500 closest friends, but with the few they have they go deep in those relationships.

Steady S’s cooperate well with others and they do team well with D’s, provided the D will value the S by taking time listen and relate. S’s like predictable work environments, and prefer that things remain the same unless there are good reasons given for making a change. They need others who can help them react quickly to a change when necessary, and others who can help them stretch toward challenges so they keep growing.

If you’re an S, you may not be aware of the ways your behavioral style can cause tension in others. While you are building relationships and trust, others may be slow to see the purpose of what you are doing. A D, for instance, is becoming more and more stressed out the longer you engage in small talk. So when you’re with a D, you need to come in saying, “There are three things on my agenda today.” If you have some relational things to talk about, put them on the agenda. In this way, you clarify things for the D up front so they can dive right in.

When working with an i, know that the i is becoming impatient with your lack of speed… they want to move on to the exciting part and are wondering when things are going to get started. They find being slow and methodical to be quite boring. So come into a meeting with an i prepared so you can move the pace more quickly than you normally would.

It may at first seem easiest to work with another S, who appreciates the time spent in relationship building. However, if your lack of initiative forces them to eventually take on the role of initiator, they will likely feel a great deal of discomfort. A C (like a D) is stressed by too much small talk and a lack of time focusing on the task at hand. They are concerned about details getting lost in the rest of the conversation.

As an S (like all the other types), it’s not necessarily what you’re comfortable with that matters.; it’s what the other person needs or expects. So consider how you might best ease tension for each of these other types, recognizing that their tension is not eased in the same way yours would be.