This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog.

If you’re not an S, how can you learn to work with them more effectively?

You will relate well to the S by being relational. Be sure to spend ample time on relationships first. It’s important to ask about their dog that just had the veterinary procedure– that’s what shows that you care. An S needs the investment of time spent in deepening the relationship.

To convince an S of something, you’ll need to address the question why. Change is painful for an S, so you need to have a good reason to convince them of a new course of action. Be sure to give them plenty of time to process change: give them a heads up about meetings in advance, so they can prepare and come with questions. They will likely need to process a new idea in several stages.

If you are managing an S, the best way to do that is to be with them. Spent time together and build the relationship. If you’ll do that, it’s amazing what you can get accomplished. (You can see I’m still talking like a D here.)

If you’re a D, you may need to come to an agreement that allows you to work together well. I once had an administrative assistant who was a high S. She always wanted to always tell me the whole story: This happened, then that happened…. Meanwhile, I’m going crazy, wondering, “Is the treasurer in jail? What percentage of the church did leave?” So I said to her, “If you will tell me the bottom line up front, then I will listen to the whole story.” In this way, both of our needs were met.

If you’re an i, be particularly careful to slow down and listen to the S one-on-one without being in a hurry. Ask how they’re feeling and how they’re processing things. If you’re a C, open up and share how you’re feeling; the S can be a great friend and support for you.