Formalizing coaching across an organization

As coaching catches on in an organic way throughout an organization, the benefits begin to speak for themselves. People start experiencing more and more of the power of coaching, tell others, and more people want to get in on it. Demand begins to exceed capacity. Now...

How do we actually make disciples?

We all know we’re supposed to make disciples. And yet if we’re honest, how well is that really happening? Too often the focus seems on having people become active church participants: attending activities, volunteering, giving, etc. One of the challenges...

Growth or control? Can you have both?

  Growth? Or Control? As a coach of missional leaders, one of the competencies I lean on all the time is what I call “organizational sustainability.” That’s the ability to help leaders develop and adapt sustainable systems as their missional ministry grows....

Focus on one thing

This blog entry is part of a seven-part  series on some of the central principles of coaching… from the perspective of the one receiving the coaching. How can we get the most out of our coaching relationship? Principle #5: Focus on one thing As you move forward in...

Mapping the macro coaching relationship

The 5 Rs I referenced in yesterday’s blog entry (relate, reflect, refocus, resource and review) can also apply to the coaching relationship in a more macro sense. You build more of the relationship on the front end, you reflect to determine goals for the coaching...

A structure to hang your coaching skills on

Let’s say you have some coaching skills, but you want something to help you put those skills together—a way to be intentional, systematic, and consistent in your approach to coaching. For those who aren’t naturally organized, the best thing out there is having a...

Shifting gears in discipling

When you’re discipling people who are in recovery, I’ve found that there comes a point when you have to shift gears. Once someone is well-established in recovery—not drinking or using but still wrestling with life issues—an important shift needs to happen in your...