Navigating leadership challenges

Navigating leadership challenges

Because leadership challenges look different in every church plant, they can be difficult both to identify and to figure out how to handle. Sometimes the issue is a spiritual one; other times it’s a management one; sometimes a combination. Different problems...

The puzzle of coaching

One of the reasons I love coaching is that it’s so much like a puzzle. All of the pieces are there– they’re just not in the right order yet. I’ve found that even someone who comes across as very scattered and disorganized very often has all of the answers they...
The Back of the Napkin

The Back of the Napkin

  I love this book! It’s been so helpful to me as I work with groups trying to communicate sometimes complex concepts in simple ways that people can really grab hold of. The Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam is a book on how you can use simple drawings to solve...

What frustrates you about discipleship efforts?

I ran a poll recently in a webinar asking people what issues were blocking them in their discipleship efforts. I asked people to check as many as applied, so the percentages below don’t total 100%, but represent the percentage of responders who struggle with each of...

Asking the right questions

  Yesterday I wrote about the growth of urban slums. Which leaves us with the question: “What can we as the church do about it?”  Yet our guiding question shouldn’t be, “What can we do to address the challenge of urban slums?” but rather, “What will it take to...

Who can help you with that?

This question is one of my new favorites. People almost never ask themselves this question and they’re almost always surprised when someone else asks them. They stop in their tracks, look confused for a second while they shift gears, then start thinking of all kinds...