Those of you who know me know I love biking. Recently I was riding my bike on a nice large street. It wasn’t even crowded. So I was shocked when a pickup truck passed me 25 feet before an intersection and proceeded to turn right directly in front of me. I started...
Today, a client’s perspective on how coaching has helped him. From guest blogger Ryan Bearschell of The Salvation Army. I have this common time period every day from 1-4 pm where I’m just no good. I’m tired and unproductive– I call it my “brainless time” or my...
We recently had a breakthrough in the anger management class I teach. A rough guy in the back row spoke up and said, “Yeah, when someone disrespects you, you gotta defend yourself and defend your honor. You can’t help it.” He sounded confident and tough, even proud,...
When I was teaching in my anger management recovery group at the Salvation Army, I had a man interrupt me and say, “When someone makes me mad, I tell them off. That’s just the way I am.” I responded, “So what I’m hearing you say is that when you feel angry, you blow...
I’ve just finished my first year of volunteering at the Salvation Army teaching a class in anger management. It’s been a really valuable experience for me. There’s nothing quite like teaching something to get the content of what’s being taught really ingrained...