Story of an incarnational missionary

  While working full-time, Tony Bleything gathered a strong core of 70 people. He proved himself a capable missionary, gatherer and leader. At the point when he hit 70 people, he realized he could no longer function effectively in a bivocational capacity, but the...

Funding proven people

  We need to start thinking about funding missional activity in new ways. I’ve already talked about how bivocational missions activity is going to be come more and more the future of the church, in part because the way we’ve traditionally funded...

Why people give

  When people ask me for advice about raising support, I ask them to consider why people give. In my experience, there are four reasons why people give: 1. Because they have a relationship with you 2. Because they believe in the vision 3. Because you have a clear...

Advice for missionary letters

Here is my unsolicited advice to those of you who raise support about keeping in touch with the people who are investing in your minisistry. 1. Be regular and consistent. Contact once a month is the absolute minimum. If I haven’t heard from missionaries I am...