What do you do with your harvest workers?

Yesterday I wrote about praying for more workers in the harvest field as a direct result of the compassion we feel for the harvest field. We can pray that prayer with a great deal of boldness and confidence, because we know we are praying God’s will. However, consider...

Compassion as a motivation

The passage below is often cited as an injunction toward evangelism, and rightly so. But we miss something important if we don’t quote the first half of this passage. What do you see as a lead-in to reaching the harvest? “Jesus traveled through all the towns and...
What God sounds like

What God sounds like

By guest blogger Mark Foster Recently Bob wrote a blog entry about the devotional book Jesus Calling. I use that book as well and have for more than a year now. What was especially compelling for me is that the words Sarah Young shares match the experience of the way...

Spiritual problems vs. management problems

Part of a series inspired by Peter Drucker, an important mentor of mine When I was first planting a church, I found that I was getting tired and discouraged every two weeks. Some planters have a weekly cycle and some a monthly schedule, but mine seemed to be a lunar...
How to pray for leaders

How to pray for leaders

As we pray for the development of leaders, our motivation should reflect that of Jesus: the harvest fields themselves. We need to allow our heart to break for the harvest. 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the...

Got intercessors?

God did not create us to walk through the Christian life alone. We were made to function as part of a team. We each have blind spots. We each need support. Any ministry endeavor will only be as strong as the team that supports it. A team of intercessors should be the...
Listening to serve

Listening to serve

Too many people go about serving without listening first. They dive in doing what they think needs to be done without really knowing if they’re hitting a point of real need or not and without knowing if what they’re doing is truly effective. As Carl George has said,...

The 10:2b virus

Luke 10:2b: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Excerpt from Neil Cole’s excellent book Organic Leadership: As I mentioned in Organic Church, I have actually set my mobile phone alarm to go off at 10:02 every morning...

One of my “oh-duh” moments

A while back I was talking with a woman who is a world class intercessor about the development of a prayer ministry. My leadership gifts were kicking into gear, and I was thinking, “Okay, we need prayer. So how do we go about creating a system for making that happen?...