Humility: the first step toward true leadership

Lots of people want to learn leadership skills. Skills are important in leadership, but the real key is attitude: humility and openness to change. Let’s reflect on our attitudes toward change and transformation in our own lives: 9 To some who were confident of their...

Who do you start with? You

In missional living, the essential starting point is to lead by example. The beginning of any journey of leading your church in a more missional direction is you personally living missionally. Without that foundational piece in place, any broader organizational change...

Mine your experiences

A significant dimension of my continuing education is reflecting on my conversations and experiences. What did I learn? What principles did I discover, affirm or deepen? What common threads do I see? How does this connect with other situations? What patterns can I...

Teacher: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Shepherd: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Evangelist: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Prophet: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Apostle: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

The invisible preparations of the past

As you consider your leadership skills and qualifications for ministry, don’t forget those qualities that are harder to quantify. Think through your life so far and how God has shaped you. How did you forge your ministry principles and values? Even the negative things...