A conversation with Bob Logan

A conversation with Bob Logan

Developing a coaching culture greatly enhances ministry fruitfulness. Whether a church or a network of churches, mobilizing and multiplying coaches to come alongside of people provides personalized support and increases results. This week the Vineyard Multiply...
What do you have to say to the people?

What do you have to say to the people?

This photo is of me being interviewed by a local TV station in Olanchito, Honduras. It’s not a very large city; the station only broadcasts during certain hours each day. Someone notified the TV station that a local conference on discipleship was going on, so they...

An online interview

Robbie MacKenzie, of Missional Youth Ministry, recently interviewed me via Skype video. In that video, I talked about my own journey of faith and calling, my perspective on missional ministry, and advice to today’s church planters. If you’d like to check out the...
Video interview with Randy Lovejoy

Video interview with Randy Lovejoy

See a 3-minute video interview with Pastor Randy Lovejoy of Silverlake Presbyterian Church. In it he talks about the idea of building community in our churches on the idea of reaching outward to the larger community. He shares his experience using the Tangible Kingdom...

Reflections on the complexities of our changing world

I don’t know about you, but Jean-Luc’s series of blog entries posted here over the past week and a half have given me a lot to think about. For me it made me increasingly aware of how the issues of racial pain and segregation get in the way of the gospel, especially...