Hands, heart, head

When we approach discipleship, we often approach it from a skewed viewpoint: hands, heart or head… but not all three combined. The “head only” approach has been popular for many years now. Teach them. Give them knowledge. Instill in them new facts....

Discipleship pitfall #2: All hands

In my last blog entry, we looked at the pitfall of the “all head” approach– trying to educate our way to making disciples. One common alternative to the “all head” approach is the “all hands” approach. Instead of just learning stuff, let’s get out there and do...
Serve Others

Serve Others

Be the feet of Jesus Be the hands of Jesus Be the voice of Jesus Serving others may be the most versatile of all 12 of the areas we’re looking at in this series. Jesus said it best: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me...