Here is a group study that you can use together with others to process the question, “What does it look like to live incarnationally?”

Select one of the gospels. Each time your group meets, follow these steps:

  1. Read the following paragraph aloud.
  2. Read one chapter (or section) of the gospel account aloud.
  3. Discuss the questions following, one by one.

“With this study, we are attempting to put into concrete terms what it looks like to live in accordance with the Kingdom of God. Here we are looking at the life of Jesus to identify the qualities and principles that were foundational to how Jesus his life on earth. From this understanding we can better follow Jesus’ instructions that we live like he did: ‘Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father’ (John 14:12). By understanding how Jesus lived and determining the principles underlying his actions and choices, we are better positioned to live incarnationally: expressing facets of the Kingdom of God to those around us. For it was through the incarnation that Jesus showed us the Father.”

  • What do we see Jesus doing in this passage?
  • How was he being “God incarnate”?
  • What principles of incarnational living and ministry can we glean from this example?
  • How does Jesus’ example here inform how we are to live and serve?
  • What can we take and apply this week?