Church Development, Discipleship, Leadership
If you are like the leaders I meet with regularly, then discipleship is something you want to get right. Easier said than done. Much like recovery from addiction, being transformed into the image of Christ requires focus on self—why do I do what I don’t want to...
Developing, Discipleship, Leadership, Prioritizing, Teambuilding
Admittedly, there is a tension between tasks and callings. If you have people you are overseeing, you likely do have certain tasks you need to get accomplished. They also likely have their own callings that dovetail with yours in some ways but not in others. Often...
Discipleship, Uncategorized
Methods, approaches, and styles change over time. Different strategies work in different seasons. Trends in ministry come and go. Yet I wonder: among all the change, what stays the same? As the culture shifts and changes around us, what proven principles remain firm...
Discipleship, Leadership, Prioritizing
Transformation is the great white whale of ministry. We plan for it, pray for it, and dedicate our lives and ministries to its pursuit. We see it spout from a distance, feel the ripples that promise it is near, but real, honest to goodness transformation eludes...
Discipleship, Leadership, Uncategorized
I have heard this question asked over and over again… among all types of churches and all types of congregations. Kids leaving church after high school is an almost universal concern among church leaders. In September of 2019, Barna research organization announced...