This entry is the last of a blog series on the DiSC profile, which is one of the top tools that I’ve found to be helpful in building teams. (You can do a search on this blog for StrengthsFinder to find another.) DiSC looks at our behavioral style and tendencies...
This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. Remember the old TV show with the policeman who said in monotone, “Just the facts, ma’am.” That’s how to...
<This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. Cs value correctness. They are methodical, conscientious, and want to get it right. Cs are detail-oriented and work hard to live...
This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. If you’re not an S, how can you learn to work with them more effectively? You will relate well to the S by being relational. Be...
This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. S’s are incredibly valuable people, because long after the D’s and i’s have moved on to other things, the S’s...
This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. I was joking with a colleague about a mutual acquaintance of ours, who I’ll call Dan: “I’m one of Dan’s 5,000...
This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. The i’s great strength is influencing people and motivating groups. They’re the ones that work the entire reoom, building...
This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. If you’re a D, you’ll need to make certain adjustments when working with people who have different behavioral styles. Why...
This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. As I shared yesterday, I am a high D. Full disclosure: I top out the chart on being a D. Ds value results. They want to get things...