One way to use your building to serve the community

If you are a church fortunate enough to own your own building, you have ways you can use what God has blessed you with to bless others. This article I ran across shows how one church will serve the community by opening its facility for a community open-market of...

Knowing the city… and its workers

Government workers know their city better than most pastors do. People move into community positions because they want to help their neighborhoods. There are often a lot of difficulties, but there are also opportunities for positive contribution. So if you are a...

The clearness committee

What’s at the same time readily obvious, yet constantly forgotten? The fact that we need one another. When we actually think about it, we’ll assent to that idea: Of course we need each other. Different gifts, different perspectives, moral support. Others often know...

Listening to the Holy Spirit together with others

If we are to practice a kind of discipleship that is truly tailored to the individual, we absolutely need to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Where God is calling one person to focus their growth is not necessarily where he’s calling another to focus. We can...

The role of community in growth

Community is essential in helping us process our journey of discipleship. The Apostle Paul gives us some direction in how we are to function as Christian community for one another in this particularly rich passage: And let us consider how we may spur one another on...

How your church can open its doors to the community

Recently a man read the letter below aloud at a friend of mine’s church. I thought it speaks clearly to the way churches can have an impact on those outside their own walls, and asked to reprint it anonymously here. “Although neither I nor my family are members...

You can’t do change alone

  By guest blogger Dave Wasemann of When you’re balancing leading a local congregation with a deficient budget and angry people, ministry can get ugly fast. You need a bigger perspective, that calm divine company that directs your eyes upward....

It takes a village

A friend of mine lives in a neighborhood that has a lot of young kids and neighborhood schools so many of the people know each other. While I was there visiting, I saw moms out on the sidewalk talking while their kids were playing outside. They were comparing notes...