The Practices of a Barnabas

I talk about Barnabas a lot. He’s one of my favorite biblical characters… probably because he functions as a behind-the-scenes coach empowering others. I heard a talk that Bubba Justice gave on the practices of a Barnabas, taken from his study of the book of Acts....

Which came first—the disciple or the church?

The DNA of the church is found in the gospels. When the church was birthed in Acts, it was a matter of living out that DNA. As Jesus’ disciples made more disciples, the result was churches. Do you see the progression? The result of making disciples was the gathering...
Fresh reflections on the book of Acts

Fresh reflections on the book of Acts

It was great to reconnect with my friend Neil Cole at a conference we were both speaking at.  Neil and I have partnered together on various projects in the past, and it’s exciting to see how God is continuing to work through his ministry.  He has kept his focus on...