God has a dream for the place where you live and minister. You are joining a story already in progress– the story of what God is already doing in your city or town. Study the spiritual heritage of where you are living.
I live in Los Angeles– the city of angels. What is the purpose of an angel? Angels are messengers. They deliver messages. Hollywood, which is in Los Angeles, delivers some messages. There’s a lot to be said for its wide-reaching impact. What if it were God’s intention for Los Angeles to be a place where the gospel of Kingdom is lived out and communicated throughout the world? What would it look like for Los Angeles to fully redeem its purpose as a city of angels bringing a message of good news?
What’s the redemptive purpose for your city or town? If God wanted to express his Kingdom in a unique way, how does the spiritual heritage of place inform that? How does spiritual heritage connect with what God wants to do?