To Transform A City is the highly acclaimed book by Eric Swanson and Sam Williams that begins with the premise that as of a few years ago, more people across the world live in urban areas than in rural areas. That significant demographic shift requires the church to consider how we can best minister in urban areas. What does that mean for how we go about serving and doing ministry?

A bit of the answer is found in the subtitle: Whole Church, Whole Gospel, Whole City. We need a holistic approach to ministry in an increasingly urban world.

To Transform a City: Whole Church, Whole Gospel, Whole City

In the year 2007, the number of people living in the cities of the world―finally and irreversibly―exceeded the number of people living in rural areas. The earth’s population is now more urban than rural, and Christian leaders are trying to figure out what this means for the church. Pastors and kingdom-minded leaders know they need […]

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