At the end of year, many ministry leaders look forward to the next year, straining toward what’s ahead. I feel that pull as well and anticipate what God may be up to in this new year. Yet more and more I also see the value in taking a retrospective: looking back on the old year to reflect on accomplishments, learnings, mistakes, and surprises. 

reflecting back on 2021

2021 at Logan Leadership

As I reflect on where I spent my energy in 2021, I initially see a scattering of various ministry projects: 

  • A set of new resources focused on Christian coaching, including a new website, blog, and book (to be released soon)
  • We developed some job profiles to identify the specific competencies required for certain ministry roles. These profiles can be used as a basis for selection of people for the roles, and we trained the users in selection interviewing skills as well.  
  • Helped to facilitate more than one Clearness Committee for leaders looking for God’s direction
  • A renewed focus on and interest in spiritual gifts among my clients looking to help people find their place in ministry
  • A lot of work on transition, including helping churches emerge with confidence from Covid-19
  • Assisting several churches in implementing a more accountable leadership model through bylaws and guiding principles 

I cannot see ahead of time the ways God may be at work, but I find it’s often clearer in retrospect. Reflecting on these endeavors and resources, I see a common theme: helping people to manage transition, gain clarity, and seek discernment for their organizational direction. 

Questions to help you reflect on 2021

Take some time to reflect on your own ministry year and look for running themes. Listen to the Spirit as you ask the following questions:   

  • Where did God have you directing your energy? 
  • What outcomes did you see? 
  • How did you make a difference? 
  • What learnings did you glean? 
  • Where did you see God at work? 

God is at work 

 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
    establish the work of our hands for us—
    yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17) 

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash