The entry below is part of a week-long series by Steve Fitch.
Eden Reforestation Projects is one of the best, if not the best, in the world at:

• Employing thousands of desperately poor individuals who

• plant and protect whole forests

• at 10¢ per tree

$10 per month makes a huge impact with us. It plants a minimum of 100 trees and employs a worker for a day each month.
Bonus: $10 doesn’t hurt the wallet. Will you consider:

• Donating $10 per month

• Seeking out 10 of your friends and asking them to give $10 per month

• Also asking them to seek out ten of their friends and have them participate in “the power of 10”?

This is a big need in the world. We’re able to compassionately say to people in countries like Ethiopia and Madagascar: “You don’t have to behave desperately anymore toward yourself, your family,

or your environment.” There’s a great video that explains this: Tesfaye’s story.  You are one but you are strong. It may sound funny, but it’s that simple:

– Ask 10 people

– To ask 10 of their friends

– To give $10/month

Together we can make a significant impact in the world. Email Steve for more info on the power of 10.