One way we measure our effectiveness is through the engagement we get with the blog posts we send you. The following are the blog posts that caught your attention—and why we think they did.

top ten blog posts 2024

#1 Arrested Spiritual Development

This was the top opened blog post of the year. I see your heart, pastor. Hear this, you are not alone. Churches everywhere are seeing stunted spiritual growth. We could go round and round on why this is happening but I won’t. The real question is how can you capture the hearts of professing Christians and help them experience Christ in new and powerful ways? This post offered a solid beginning.

#2 Investing in Disciplemakers

Based on the blog that took first, this one isn’t a surprise. It’s the next step and the goal. You want healthy, growing believers who come alongside their friends and neighbors to share the hope they profess.

My biggest encouragement here is not to discount new believers as disciplemakers. Being just a few steps ahead makes for effective disciplemaking. They are close enough to able to look back and see others struggling. Having just went through it—they remember the path they took to spiritual growth and are excited to help others take those steps.

#3 The BEST way to combat polarization

With the election, this one was predictable. Unfortunately, polarization isn’t solely political. It’s often felt any time there is need for changes. The naysayers become a vocal minority and a major roadblock to moving the mission forward. I shared this blog last week and I will share it again here because progress is impossible without strategically, humbly, and compassionately managing group think: Ten Strategies for Handling Transition Well.

#4 Strategies to Fight Busyness

Busyness. It’s an epidemic, a crutch, an excuse… and it’s keeping you from doing what is most important. Don’t wait until January. Make a plan to protect your time in 2025 starting now.

#5 What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

This one took us by surprise but maybe it shouldn’t have. There are a lot of definitions of what it means to be a disciple out there. Maybe that’s okay. There are as many ways to walk in the way of Jesus as there are God-created personalities. Jesus guided his disciples to spiritual growth in some key areas. They all reflected that growth a little differently but they did grow. This blog took culture out of the equation and points to what it looks like to work toward real transformation.

Moving Forward

As a whole, this group of blogs suggests you have a desire for healthy, growing ministry and that something is getting in the way. It’s an indicator that it’s time to take inventory and to invest in strategies that result in healthy Christ followers and ministries.

I recently finished a major project that has opened up my calendar for more of what I love to do best—come alongside passionate leaders to help you get traction on the vision God has given you. Don’t struggle alone. Let’s set up a time to discuss how I might help.

We will pause blog posts until the after the New Year so let me take this opportunity to wish you a very happy Christmas season filled with wonder and joy. Excited to see what God does in 2025!

Blessings, Bob

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood