Listening to God and experiencing his presence is a great gift– but it’s just the beginning. What we do with our experience of God matters. When we hear from him, how do we respond? What actions follow from our time spent in his presence?

If you are looking for ways not only to experience the presence of God, but to respond to him in loving obedience, check out the new Spiritual Responsiveness discipleship guide. You can work through it alone, with someone you’re discipling, or in a group setting.

The five-week study guide takes you through these areas:

  • Receiving guidance and empowerment from the Holy Spirit
  • Discerning opportunities for involvement in God’s work
  • Checking what you’re hearing with scripture and your faith community
  • Acting in faith through loving obedience
  • Listening for God’s calling in your life

Each section includes thoughts on the topic, relevant scripture passages, practical ideas and exercises, coaching questions, and application. No homework required except living out the concepts.

Check out these sample sections:

One of the most powerful recognitions we can have as we respond to the leading of God is that he has already gone before us. We are not alone; he already sent his Holy Spirit to prepare the way. He calls us to be faithful, to do what we can with what we have, but the results of our faithfulness do not lie with us. God is already at work in others long before we come on the scene. He chooses to use us and work through us. Part of our faithfulness is simply paying attention to what God is already doing and following his lead.

God is at work everywhere– all around us. Look around you. Where can you see him at work? What evidence has he left behind? Where do you sense openness to his Spirit? What questions are people asking?

  • Luke 19:1-7
  • John 3:1-17

Discipleship questions:

  • God is at work everywhere– but where are you currently most sensing his presence and work?
  • What are some of the different ways God communicates that he’s at work somewhere?
  • What are some of the signs of openness we can see in people?
  • What are some of the ways we can engage with those who are searching for God?
  • Where do you sense God working right now?

Exercise: Ask three

  • Ask three people you trust to give you honest, open feedback about what you are hearing from God. Try not to become defensive: just listen. Ask follow up questions as necessary.


  • In light of this, what is God asking you to do?
  • How will you do this?
  • When will you do this?
  • Who will help you?

journey of discipleshipThis discipleship guide is designed for people who are ready not just to experience God but to follow him. If you are ready to get moving on your path of discipleship, this is the resource to help you.

Click here for the 20-page downloadable Spiritual Responsiveness discipleship guide.

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