Are you discipling someone who feels their time with God has become routine? Are they looking for a deeper connection with God? We all have seasons like that, but that often means it’s time to try something new.

Check out the Experiencing God discipleship guide. You can work through it alone, with someone you’re discipling, or in a group setting. But try something new to find fresh ways of experiencing God.

The five-week study guide takes you through these areas:

  • Increasing your awareness of God’s love and presence
  • Growing in the knowledge and grace of God
  • Reflecting on and applying Scripture in your everyday life
  • Dialoguing authentically with God
  • Worshiping God in spirit and in truth

Each section includes thoughts on the topic, relevant scripture passages, practical ideas and exercises, coaching questions, and application. No homework required except living out the concepts.

Check out these sample excerpts:

God has placed a hunger within us to know him. We can try many different ways to dampen, ignore, or redirect that hunger, but it remains buried within us. It’s part of the natural blueprint of who we are. God made us not only as feeling people but thinking people. We wonder, we question, we evaluate. Our minds hunger to know God and to understand him. Toward that end, we engage with him in much the same way we would engage with another person: we seek to know them and to understand them. We ask questions, we listen, we observe.

  • 2 Peter 3:18
  • Colossians 2:1-9

Discipleship questions:

  • In what ways are you seeking to know God more deeply?
  • How are you growing in knowledge? How are you growing in grace?
  • How are you experiencing the mystery of God?
  • What effect does the knowledge of God have on your daily life?
  • What changes might be beneficial to you?

Exercise: Ask God your questions

God is unafraid of our questions and unshaken by our doubts. He is not threatened or diminished in any way by our inquiries. Take some time to write out your questions to God. What do you wonder? What do you want to know? What really matters to you?


  • In light of this, what is God asking you to do?
  • How will you do this?
  • When will you do this?
  • Who will help you?

If you are hungry for more ways to intentionally and consistently engage with God in deeper relationship, this discipleship guide is for you.

Click here for the 20-page downloadable Experiencing God discipleship guide.

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