Need a resource to help you or those you lead move outward on the mission of Jesus? Our bundle of three Mission-focused Journey Guides may be just what you’re looking for.
Make Disciples As we live incarnationally and serve missionally, the spiritual sensitivities of others will be awakened. We are called to discern those opportunities when God is actively engaging with people, and then figure out how to best come alongside them on their spiritual journey.
Serve Others Our service to others– both believers and unbelievers– is the lifeblood of our faith. Being the hands, feet and voice of Jesus is central to our everyday existence. These three things form the heart of incarnational living.
Live Generously Living generously is more than a matter of specific actions. It’s a internal posture of openness that informs all of our decisions and the way we live our life. Are we willing to ungrasp our hands and recognize that all we have is from God?
If you want to purchase or get more information about this downloadable, printable resource, go to the Logan Leadership Store.