Are you looking for a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the intensity? How about some hope for the future and inspiration for leading through crisis well?

Leadership in times of crisis requires being grounded and maintaining perspective. A key element of leading well through crisis well is communicating hope by offering a visual of how we will get through as well as a glimpse of what is possible on the other side.

Amanda Gorman, who at 19 years old was honored as the first youth poet laureate in the United States, is leading beautifully. Watch her recent contribution below.



Jesus followers are able to experience and communicate peace in the midst of crisis because our grounding comes from our vibrant relationship with God. Abiding in Christ—drawing our life, our strength from God—allows us to see the world in a fresh way. Christian leaders, through the Holy Spirit, are equipped in leading through crisis well.

I pray we are inspired by Miss Gorman and use our own unique gifts and calling to deliver peace and hope that speaks to both today and to eternity.



Grow your skills: Are you feeling overwhelmed by an aspect of leading through this crisis? That’s normal! We all have strengths and we all have areas for improvement. We have collected resources on a variety of topics to help you grow in leadership skills such as Change Management, Assertiveness, Delegation, Creativity and Innovation, Problem Solving, and more.


Coaching and Consulting: Everything has changed and it will not be going back to the way it was. Do you need help to discover, plan for, and/or launch your ministry’s new normal? Bob Logan is currently taking on new coaching and consulting clients. Contact us today for a FREE 30-min conversation with Dr. Logan.