By very definition, God cannot be fully comprehended by the human mind. He is that much bigger and greater than us. Yet throughout history, God has been making himself known to us as far as we are capable. He met Moses on the mountain and spoke to him “face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11). He revealed himself in the law and the gospel, through the prophets and the scriptures, and most of all, through his incarnation in Jesus Christ.

“Knowing” God does not mean simply knowing the facts about God. It means knowing him experientially… in the context of a relationship. God seeks to make himself known to us. To what degree are we seeking to know God?

  • In what ways do you feel like you most clearly experience God?
  • How are you seeking to know him through scripture?
  • How are you seeking to know him through prayer?
  • How are you seeking to know him through ritual, art, and history?
  • How are you seeking to know him through the person of Jesus Christ?