Exciting times are ahead. This is a new season of ministry for me—a time of intensified focus on what God has called me to do. I have always been passionate about making disciples from the harvest for the harvest, about multiplying authentic communities of Jesus followers, about seeing leaders raised up and mobilized. That’s no surprise to anyone who knows me. But those passions have taken many different forms over the years, so whatever is next is always a surprise to me.
Where I feel God calling me to focus now is on empowering this next generation of missional, grassroots leaders. I believe these new leaders God is raising up represent the cutting edge of ministry—with all of the action, involvement, and risk that goes along with the advance of God’s kingdom.
What will that look like? God only knows. But I’m beginning to see the blurry outlines of it. It means more hands-on, direct ministry of service to those in need. It means more coaching of younger, missional leaders that God is at work in. And it means cutting-edge resource development.
Do you have some ideas too? I’d love to hear from you.