The job market is changing. We read about it in the newspapers. Between technological advances, remote work options, and a changing economy, we have newly created positions that we’ve never had to hire for before. That’s as true in the church world as it is in the secular world. This new reality begs the question: how do organizations select the best people for new jobs? What qualities are needed to be successful in these job? Taking a trial and error approach results in expensive turnover and re-training. The good news is that it is avoidable.

best people for the job

The process to find the best people for new jobs

A tried and true process that is proven to accurately identify what is needed to to replicate success in new jobs exists! That process is Job Factor Analysis and Behavioral Assessment. My first experience with this process was over 30 years ago, when I was interviewed by Dr. Charles Ridley as he developed the Church Planter Profile. It was an extensive research project that identified qualities needed for church planters to be successful. Turns out, it was a different profile than what was needed for pastors of existing churches to be effective.

The profile was scrutinized recently and only a few updates to accommodate for changing cultures and circumstances were made. The Church Planter Profile has proven to be just as relevant today as it was when it was developed.

A tried and true process that is proven to accurately identify what is needed to to replicate success in new jobs exists! Share on X

Enter the changing job market

We’ve seen a recent spike in interest in our Job Factor Analysis and Behavioral Assessment. For example, we partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects. I have long supported this organization, whose mission is to plants trees and save lives. Eden is the most successful and prolific organization of its kind. And they are committed to getting the job done by providing jobs that pay a living wage to communities devastated by deforestation. They are ready to expand. To do so they aim to grow their team of International Directors from 5 to 100. Doing so has proven challenging: a new field, new positions, and the stakes are high.

Logan Leadership developed a profile that identifies the behavioral patterns that made the 5 successful and to train their HR team how to recognize those same patterns in potential candidates. The profile is complete and confirmed.  The first of many candidates has been hired. With the best people for the new jobs in place, Eden is on its way to meeting their goal of planting 1 trillion trees!

We were also asked to develop a profile for VerveLead, an Australian organization that is looking to address the decline in the health and well-being of ministry leaders. They have found that leaders who engage in a mentoring relationship with particular mentors are more holistically healthy, resilient, and successful in the pursuit of their calling. What is the secret sauce these mentors have? How can they find or develop more mentors like this? We went to work and are near to confirming the profile of a “well-being mentor.” Soon, VerveLead will begin growing their team of mentors who really make a difference in the lives of the ministry leaders they meet with and the communities those leaders serve. Healthier laborers and ministries are on the horizon!

The impact of having the best people for new jobs

New jobs need new thinking… but based on principles and processes with a proven track record. The impact of these profiles is significant. People work where they will use their gifts, further their God-given mission, and fulfill their calling. Ultimately, that leads to saving lives and spreading the gospel. If you would like to learn more about Job Factor Analysis—the development of a profile for a specific role—and Behavioral Assessment—the assessment of candidates to see if they are likely to be successful in that role—contact us.

New jobs need new thinking… but based on principles and processes with a proven track record. Share on X


The Church Planter Assessment- Are you thinking about church planting or are already in the process? The Church Planter Behavioral Assessment is a valuable tool. To learn more about how you can be assessed email us at

Leadership Multiplication Pathway- Do you need to grow your leadership team? The Leadership Multiplication Pathway gives existing leadership a systematic development process to produce more and better leaders in their local setting. This Storyboard offers an overview of leadership development so you can determine where to begin in the leadership development process. You may also be interested in the Coaching Guides and Storyboards that cover the leadership topics outlined in The Leadership Multiplication Pathway Storyboard: LMP-1 Missional DiscipleshipLMP-2 Focused MinistryLMP-3 Effective Leadership, and LMP-4 Continuous Multiplication.

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash