By guest blogger Insoo Kim, Vineyard Church Planter in Vancouver
Every time our church planting team gets together, we each individually take 15 minutes or so to reflect on these five questions view from last week, then to look forward to what God may have in mind for us this coming week.
- What did I hear God say to me this week?
- What is the most important thing I need to accomplish this week?
- Who is the one person I need to invest in this week?
- What is the one thing our community needs from us as leaders this week?
- Is there one “sbag” (stretching but achievable goal) that we should pursue this week?
After everyone has written down their answers, they take some time to share with the rest of the group. “Here’s what I wrote down last week, here’s what ended up happening, and here’s what I wrote down for this coming week.”
We’ve been doing this for two months now, and I find engaging in this exercise gives us pause and allows us to reflect on how we’re spending our time and energy. It centers us on the mission of our church plant. By sharing openly with the rest of the group, we get feedback from others and the conversation naturally moves into strategy. The reflections of each person create their personal assignments for the next week, which allows everyone to stay on track and on mission.
Try it and see how it works for you and your team.