As usual, I am currently working on a book. This one, tentatively titled The Leadership Difference, takes an in-depth look at the skills needed for effective leadership in a local church or ministry setting.

Here’s a sneak preview:

I graduated from seminary at the wise age of 24. Much to my astonishment, no churches were calling me to become their pastor. Eventually someone suggested that maybe I should start a new church, so I agreed. What did I have to lose? I was assigned to a particular community and went around knocking on doors, talking with people about what they wanted—and didn’t want—in a church.

Have you ever felt like you weren’t fully equipped for your leadership role? Like you needed a bit more practical guidance in the “what-to-dos” of ministry? Like the barriers you’re running up against aren’t specifically theological but are more about how to lead people and get along with them as you work together?

If so, this book is written for you. It focuses specifically on leadership skills. As a leader, you do need to learn the Bible and how to pastor a church. But when you are leading a congregation, there are healthy and unhealthy ways of doing it. There are also effective and ineffective ways of doing it. Therefore– in addition to learning the Bible and theology– we can also learn some practical skills from others who have gone before us.

The Leadership Difference focuses on specific skills like:

  • Discernment and focus
  • Effective self-care
  • Who you need on your team
  • Team-building essentials
  • Developing people through coaching
  • Leading change
  • Communication skills
  • Supervising staff
  • Organizational development
  • Financial and legal practicalities
  • Empowering and releasing new leaders

Anyone in a position of leadership, whether they’re leading a church, a team, or a small group, needs skills and strategies like these—skills and strategies that result in lightening your own load, developing the skills of others, and getting the job done effectively.

While you’re waiting for the book to be finished, you can find helpful leadership resources here.