Who Jesus hung out with

As I mentioned yesterday, I recently went through the gospel accounts writing down specific things Jesus did during this time on earth. Several things surprised me as I then looked back over the list I had compiled. One was how pronounced Jesus’ emphasis was on the...

What DID Jesus do?

Much has been made lately of the phrase “living incarnationally.” The bedrock passage is John 14:12, where Jesus told us, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am...

Upon this Rock

I recently reconnected with a former supporter and ministry partner from my early days of ministry. I shared with him what I’ve been up to lately with my network of house churches, ViaCordis, and described some of our work in the recovery field. I told them how it...

Next missional coach training

I’ve now launched two cycles of missional coach training, and I have to say it’s been an amazing experience. The training has all the benefits of traditional coach training, but because of the missional focus I’ve felt more connected to the participants. There’s just...