Want to stimulate missional discussion? Push the easy button

Did you know that we’ve begun offering recorded webinars that you can download and use with your team? The first one—Getting your Ministry Moving in a Missional Direction—provides you with fresh ideas and practical planning. Designed for interaction, the webinar can...

Church under a bridge?

Here’s a new solution to the church building problem—meet under an interstate bridge. I don’t know this church or its pastor personally, but a friend of mine mentioned it to me because she knows I’m always interested in unique approaches to doing church. This church...

Front doors and side doors

No matter how incarnational and organic your ministry is, if you have a public worship service of any kind, you do have a front door as well as a side door. And if you have one, you do have to pay some attention to the “attractional” issues. If people are wandering...

What kind of missional are you?

Missional has become a popular word used more and more frequently. Once considered an antonym of attractional, missional has begun to be used by churches that are still primarily attractional—geared toward reaching people through inviting them to experience the...
5 ways to do something about urban poverty

5 ways to do something about urban poverty

The following “5 ways” are from Comunidad Mosáico, an organization in Mexico City, but could be applied to any ministry working with the urban poor. TELL: Expose your friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, relatives, and more about the issue of urban poverty. Let...
Comunidad Mosáico: A mosaic of ministry

Comunidad Mosáico: A mosaic of ministry

Comunidad Mosáico (the Mosaic Community) in Mexico City is a ministry that works toward justice and transformation in the midst of urban poverty. Here’s what they have to say about what they do and why they do it: Having seen the enormity of injustice, poverty and...