
Comunidad Mosáico (the Mosaic Community) in Mexico City is a ministry that works toward justice and transformation in the midst of urban poverty. Here’s what they have to say about what they do and why they do it:

Having seen the enormity of injustice, poverty and spiritual emptiness in urban slums we simply can no longer look the other way. So we’re about making the shift from being concerned to being contributors in the fight against urban poverty. We’re about being the change we wish to see in the world, about being light and participating with the poor and rich to bring hope and justice to our cities.

We seek to follow Jesus with our life, our talents, our gifts and our professional expertise in the context of urban poverty in Mexico City, one of the world’s largest megalopolises.

We’re made up of people from different professional, educational, cultural, national, class, and organizational backgrounds. Normally we would not “fit” together, yet God is building a fascinating mosaic through us. A mosaic immediately conjures up images of beauty, color and creativity; of pictures crafted together of many different pieces, all different yet creatively joined to make something beautiful. It also acts as a symbol of our own brokenness and roughness that only God can form into a whole; a true transformation in the making.

Read more about Comunidad Mosáico’s vision for incarnational living, holistic church planting, and community transformation on their English-language website or their Spanish-language website.