The following “5 ways” are from Comunidad Mosáico, an organization in Mexico City, but could be applied to any ministry working with the urban poor.

TELL: Expose your friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, relatives, and more about the issue of urban poverty. Let people know you are passionate about the issue and tell them about the work of Comunidad Mosáico. Chat it up on Twitter and Facebook or write about us on your blog. Represent us!

GIVE: Adopt one of our projects and make a monthly contribution to it. Or give a one-time gift. Inspire your church to include Comunidad Mosáico in its mission giving. Turn your birthday, graduation or wedding anniversary into a mini-fundraiser. Host a benefit dinner. Or a bake sale. You get the idea. Give!

COME: Interested in a short-term project or a summer internship? Our short-term educational and service trips offer you the opportunity to work within a fast-paced and challenging environment to make a real difference in the lives of some of our urban poor neighbors, or help with important organizational tasks. Come, see and serve!

PRAY: Do you think prayer is just for the old white-haired ladies? We believe that prayer has the power to shake mountains, to change lives and lift communities out of poverty. Start a prayer chapter on your campus, in your church, or in your city. Take leadership to make this happen. Pray!

JOIN: Last but definitively not least! Use your professional and educational skills to bring about change in urban poor communities. Consider working long-term for Comunidad Mosáico. Since change doesn’t happen overnight, we need more people who are willing to participate in this work over the long haul, starting with a minimum commitment of two years. Join us!