Cultivating missional movements: get going

Cultivating missional movements: get going

Note: this is the second entry in a series on the Cultivating Missional Movements implementation guide by myself and Dave DeVries. The second of the four stages is called “get going.” After you’ve prepared with “get ready,” the next thing to do is to “get going.” What...
Cultivating missional movements: get ready

Cultivating missional movements: get ready

Dave DeVries and I teamed up to write The Missional Journey to help you through the journey of cultivating missional movements. The best way to process and implement the ideas in this book is to join us at our upcoming Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop in...
One way through the Missional Journey

One way through the Missional Journey

By guest blogger Dave Wasemann I am a coach working with pastors and have recently developed a process for guiding them through Bob’s latest book The Missional Journey. Meet every two weeks to discuss one of the first eight chapters of the book (4 months). Orient and...
Catch the next Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop

Catch the next Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop

Have you caught the vision for The Missional Journey?  If you’re ready for some serious help on implementing incarnational, missional ministry, come to the Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop, presented by Bob Logan and Dave DeVries. 1 ½ day open event November...
It takes a village

It takes a village

A friend of mine lives in a neighborhood that has a lot of young kids and neighborhood schools so many of the people know each other. While I was there visiting, I saw moms out on the sidewalk talking while their kids were playing outside. They were comparing notes...
Making serving relational and inclusive

Making serving relational and inclusive

A church had been engaging in a Saturday morning food distribution ministry to neighborhood families. One man at the church drove by and saw all these people lined up, waiting in line for the food distribution. That gave the man an idea: interact with them. Here they...