By guest blogger Dave Wasemann

I am a coach working with pastors and have recently developed a process for guiding them through Bob’s latest book The Missional Journey.

  1. Meet every two weeks to discuss one of the first eight chapters of the book (4 months). Orient and plan for four months
  2. Meet once a month for eight months reviewing each chapter with an emphasis on implementation. Implement over eight months
  3. Hone as necessary

The whole process is guided by prayer and accompanied by coaching. Pastors invite small teams from their parishes to journey along with them. The affirmation of prayer and encouragement among the teams provides a wonderful means of respite and clarity. I’ve found that the people yearn for someone to prompt what they know they need, but find themselves so steeped in day-to-day ministry that they have trouble getting there on their own.

This process provides a means of moving forward in their missional ministry. The groups have already been helpful in guiding pastors as they think through their ministry context– what the community outside the church walls looks like, what they need and desire, and how they think. I am seeing people in congregations challenged by the discussion questions at the end of each chapter, but not stumped.

I have only begun to consider how exactly I will continue to coach using the book and Journey Together Now guides. But I feel pretty strongly at this point about how I am seeing pastors absorb the material from the first eight chapters. I am confident in taking the pastors and their congregations through eight months of permeating the Missional Journey concepts throughout their ministries.

The Missional Journey

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