Why staff meetings are mostly a waste

Consider the average staff meeting: some catch up, coordinating of calendars, maybe a bit of support. Usually when you walk away, you haven’t accomplished much, and you’re generally you’re not in a place where the team had enough time for focused thinking about the...

Annual time budget

The questions have been asked before: What are the big rocks? The core contributions we’re supposed to be making? How do we allocate significant blocks of time to do those? The higher you are in leadership, the more important it is to look at your whole year. Most of...

Not defining success by outcomes

In many cases, the success of an endeavor is measured by whether it accomplishes the intended outcomes. And if the outcomes are something under your control, that’s a perfectly fine measurement to use. Yet I’ve found that in ministry, we often tie our success to...

City Seminary: in New York City

I recently met with some Vineyard leaders at City Seminary in Harlem. It was a great time as we talked about how to reach the diverse mosaic of neighborhoods in all the boroughs of NYC… with a multitude of missional communities and neighborhood churches. During one of...