Question #2: What’s missing?

Note: part of a series started April 22nd. The next question my coach asked me—after I had wrestled for a while with “What’s next?”—was “What’s missing?” After reflecting on the state of the church in the U.S. I decided my answer was that true leadership...

Question #1: What’s next?

Note: part of a series started April 22nd. “What’s next?” It’s a simple question, but one that we need to be asking ourselves on a macro-scale at least once a year. What does God have for me next? How am I to invest my time, resources, and energy? I had two different...

Shifting gears in discipling

When you’re discipling people who are in recovery, I’ve found that there comes a point when you have to shift gears. Once someone is well-established in recovery—not drinking or using but still wrestling with life issues—an important shift needs to happen in your...

The power of the bright spot

I’m learning the power of the bright spot from one of my current favorite reads, Switch by Dan and Chip Heath. I’ve been incorporating this concept into my coaching relationships as well as my life/ministry conversations. Say someone brings up an issue:  “I want to...

Coaching the unemployed

In my blog entry of December 21st, I wrote about Rich Earl who had begun offering free coaching to the unemployed. I recently asked him how it was going—below are two stories from Rich that speak to the ways God has been at work in the lives of those he’s coaching:...
Announcing Kingdom-Minded Coach Training

Announcing Kingdom-Minded Coach Training

We need a way to train coaches that specializes in working with today’s missional leaders. In Kingdom-Minded coach training, I bring the basic coaching skills that all coaches need together with the specialized competencies that coaches need to work effectively with...