Church Development, Leadership
Where do you go from here? It’s been a rough couple of years for everyone, and that’s certainly also true of the church. You have been thinking for some time about the new normal—about moving forward on mission to share the love of Christ with a weary world. But where...
Church Development, Coaching, Discipleship, Missional, Networking, Teambuilding, Visionizing
In the spirit of Ephesians 4:12, part of your calling is to equip God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. Especially if you are equipping multiple congregations and ministries. You want to equip leaders well for the work of the...
Church Development, Developing, Leadership, Prioritizing, Training
A sailor adrift is an uneasy sailor. He is stuck far from shore and without wind or motor, moving in an intentional direction is impossible. There is no cooling breeze to take the edge off of the blazing sun. The longer he is adrift the more purposeless he feels and...
Church Development, Leadership, Prioritizing
Are you feeling stuck in the no-man’s land between the old and new? Believe it or not, that might just be the silver lining of the last 15 months. Maybe no-man’s land is exactly where you need to be. Many of you know Marcy Bradford, my right-hand for all things Logan...
Church Development, Leadership, Prioritizing, Teambuilding
How do I start over? What can I do to I pull people back in? How do I deal with polarization in the church? How do I recapture the mission of the church? What does it look like to move people forward from a practical standpoint? Dozens of key questions weighing on...