Teaching your team to listen

Teaching your team to listen

Relational health and harmony is extremely important when working with teams. To create and maintain that quality on your team, one of the most important skills you can learn—and teach—is to listen well. If you can learn that, then you can model good listening skills...

Diagramming our priorities

Too much to do? Confused about what to do first? Let’s run through the process of taking stock of our lives as they currently are. Start by considering existing responsibilities and important relationships. Do we have children? A spouse? Aging parents? Health...

Principle #4: Engaging authentically with others

Jesus not only lived among those he served, he truly interacted with them at a personal level.  He treated people as individuals and engaged in conversations with them around issues that mattered to them.  Here are some of the observations I made as I read the gospels...

Fellowship on mission

One of the hindrances we have in church life is that we focus on fellowship as a priority.  The result is an inward focus.  We become myopic and don’t go on mission.  We feel we need to get better and have a closer fellowship before we can go on mission. Yet if we...