Sometimes we need to remind ourselves why we went into ministry in the first place. Odds are, it was not for the money. It was to make disciples and to raise up leaders. More than that, it was to make disciples who would go on to make more disciples who would go on to make more disciples. It was to raise up leaders who would raise up more leaders who would then go on to raise up yet more leaders. That’s the vision of second Timothy 2:2:

You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. — 2 Timothy 2:2, NLT

Now ask yourself this: Are you really experiencing people making disciples who make disciples who make disciples? How about the multiplication of leaders? If that’s why you went into ministry, what you long to see happen, and you’re not seeing it, talk to me. There are some exciting results that can be released by implementing some basic principles.

If you want to see something different next year than what happened last year, you need to do something different. The same actions will get you the same results. As we’re approaching the end of the year, take a step now to get yourself dialed in to what you want to see happen. Don’t let this month go, then the holidays, and then be thinking in January that time is slipping away. Talk to me about how coaching can help you make and multiply disciples in the ways you’ve dreamed of.

You can reach me at

Photo Matryoshka doll BY Jorge Láscar on Flickr