I recently went on vacation to Greece. No wonder Paul wrote that Cretans were gluttons – there are some excellent restaurants on the island of Crete. (Titus 1:12-13)
But the one question that kept coming to mind while I was there was, "Who am I serving?" Obviously, I am to be serving God. But who is he calling me to serve specifically? God calls all people to serve each other, but sometimes he calls us to serve distinct groups of people. Who am I to be serving?
The answer came to me clearly, although there isn't one simple, clear word for this group of people. God has called me to serve those ministry leaders who really care about being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. Ministry leaders who care about social justice, getting out into the world, making disciples, and forming true communities of Jesus-followers. Ministry leaders who are moving beyond just playing church.
It doesn't really matter what race or gender or age these ministry leaders are, whether they serve in existing churches or are starting new ministries, whether they are in "professional" ministry or not, or what model of church they support. What matters is the heart. A heart for doing something different – for taking risks in the name of the kind of church Jesus wants to see on earth.
That's who I am called to serve.