What’s your vision for leadership? Do you want to see people becoming disciples, their lives changed, their hearts turned toward others in service and compassion? Do you want to see them becoming parts of groups and teams that multiply and reach out beyond themselves? Do you want to see your church making a positive difference in the surrounding community, becoming known for its love and grace?

You may be seeing these things to some degree already. But what if you could make an investment that would double or triple those results? What if you could expand that transformation throughout your church and beyond?

If this sounds like something you want, download the Leadership Multiplication Pathway Storyboard now. It’s a structure that guides you through this process of multiplying leadership within your ministry. The storyboard begins with reaching people and moves on to creating multiplying movements of leaders. Essentially, it takes you from the beginning to the end—and includes bullet pointed details along the way.  You can use it to evaluate your own ministry and find any missing pieces. At a glance you can see where you’re strong, what you’re missing, and what connections you might make to move people forward.

As you look at the Leadership Multiplication Pathway, where do you see gaps in your own ministry? Where are you feeling stuck or hung up? I’d love to have a conversation about what you want to accomplish. The leadership vision is a big one, and has ultimate significance for the Kingdom.

If you want to accelerate your vision and move forward, let’s connect.