Many years ago, Janet and I were foster parents for to a 14-year-old girl from the inner city. At that point, she had spent more time in foster care than she had with her mother. I felt like Janet and I were giving and giving and giving… and not getting anything back– no response at all.

I remember one time complaining to God about how much we were giving and not getting anything back in return. I told him about all the great things we wanted to do for and with her if she would only let us. It was a rather lengthy griping session on my part. Then I had the sense that God responded, “So Bob, what’s the big deal? You treat me like that all the time.”

Wow. Isn’t that amazing when we turn it around? How I take for granted all the willingness and provisions God has for me– all the good he wants to do for me? And I am not grateful. Often I don’t even notice. It’s a profound experience to become aware of the love God has for us that we have ignored.

Note: painting is Prodigal Son by Rembrandt