30 days is a long time, and yet on the other hand it is not. In 30 days you can form a new habit, and in 30 days or less a leader can lose their vision, their passion, and fall smack into a wall. I have been there myself – this is not just a theory, it is reality.

While I have read numerous books on vision and passion I still see how in real life, especially in living missionally and incarnationally, it is easy for leaders to struggle, hit the wall and look up too dazed to see their vision.

What do you do when you lose your vision? Or when someone you work with shares with you that they have lost their vision? The most powerful thing for me is to take a prayer retreat. Now since I’m a high D on the DiSC assessment—I need some action plans and goals. My prayer retreat may only require me to spend a half of a day out with the Lord. For others it may be better to spend a weekend. Whatever method works for you – do it. Your vision is too important to lose.