The following “5 ways” are from Comunidad Mosáico, an organization in Mexico City, but could be applied to any ministry working with the urban poor. TELL: Expose your friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, relatives, and more about the issue of urban poverty. Let...
Comunidad Mosáico (the Mosaic Community) in Mexico City is a ministry that works toward justice and transformation in the midst of urban poverty. Here’s what they have to say about what they do and why they do it: Having seen the enormity of injustice, poverty and...
Yesterday I wrote about the growth of urban slums. Which leaves us with the question: “What can we as the church do about it?” Yet our guiding question shouldn’t be, “What can we do to address the challenge of urban slums?” but rather, “What will it take to...
Population growth rates in urban slums are higher than in virtually any other environment in the world. Currently, 1 out of 6 people in the world live in urban slums. 1 out of 6. Every week urban areas gain another 1.3 million people. That’s 67 million people per...
I recently took a week-long trip to Mexico City, which you’ll be hearing a lot more about in upcoming blog entries. The original purpose of the trip was to check out a church plant formed out of ministry to the poor. Those of you who know me know that this is an area...