Church Development, Developing
Are you always looking for more volunteers? There are some faithful folks who diligently show up and help with everything. However, if you really want to see your ministry take off, you want everyone involved. Mobilizing people according to their spiritual gifts is...
Church Development, Leadership
Once you have created methods for people to discover their spiritual gifts, their passions, and their calling, the next step is helping people come together with others to live out their faith. This often looks like building ministry teams. None of us, no matter what...
Church Development, Developing, Discipleship, Leadership
I have been around churches and ministries for long enough to have seen some misuse—and even abuse—of spiritual gifts. Although spiritual gifts are biblical and essential for healthy ministry, anything can be misused in a fallen world. Here are two abuses of spiritual...
Church Development, Developing, Leadership, Training
It’s not enough to help people know and begin using their spiritual gifts. You need to find ways to help people keep growing and advancing in their gifts and abilities. It’s like a personal walk of discipleship; not a one-and-done but an ongoing and ever-changing...
Developing, Discipleship, Missional
An incredible aspect of spiritual gifts is that they are completely equitable. The Holy Spirit bestows gifts to all of God’s children in every location, demographic, and circumstance. God empowers equally— everyone has worth and a contribution to make. To...