Sheep or shepherds?

One of the major challenges in ministry is turning volunteers into leaders. You don’t just want people filling needed slots—although that’s one piece of the puzzle. You want to develop each individual: as a person, as a disciple, and as a leader. Ultimately, you are...

The art of shepherding

A coaching client of mine recently made a great observation about shepherding. He said, “You can lead a sheep to the field, but you don’t shove grass down their mouths.” He was learning to not over-shepherd, but to teach people to take responsibility for themselves....

“The day of the professional minister is over”

“The day of the professional minister is over. The day of the missionary pastor has come.” Those are the opening sentences of Effective Church Leadership by Kennon Callahan. What a striking line. He writes it not as a striking prophecy of the future, but as a gentle...