Direct results

“Direct results always come first. In the care of feeding of an organization, they play the role calories pay in the nutrition of the human body.”  — Peter Drucker One of the critical issues that we don’t recognize in church leadership is that it’s not the...

To whom much is given

With my bum leg putting me on crutches, I am reading the parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30) in a whole new light. Because I have less energy and ability than I used to, I have needed to recognize that I’m just not going to be able to do all I was before, at least...

How do you know when it’s working?

  Without any clear benchmarks for change, it’s almost impossible to measure whether change is happening. What is transformation? What does it look like?  Would you recognize it if you saw it? Here are the 10 signs of change used by the ministry I visited in...