Reflections on 2020

Reflections on 2020

As has been my consistent practice for many years now, I close out the old year by reflecting on what God has done and what we can learn from this last year’s experiences. Here are my reflections on 2020… The 2020 “Pivot” COVID certainly created...
Mission Journey Guides

Mission Journey Guides

Need a resource to help you or those you lead move outward on the mission of Jesus? Our bundle of three Mission-focused Journey Guides may be just what you’re looking for. Make Disciples  As we live incarnationally and serve missionally, the spiritual...
Make Disciples

Make Disciples

Discern spiritual curiosity Share the story of Jesus Help others follow Jesus Seeing as it was the last thing Jesus told us to do before his ascension, we should spend some quality time thinking through what it means to make disciples.  How do we make disciples?  What...