Moving the critical node outward

When you have a system that is multiplying disciples, groups, leaders or churches, it’s common to see a slowing of momentum at the 3rd or 4th generation. One solution that is often helpful is to intentionally move a stronger leader out from the center of the system to...
How to pray for leaders

How to pray for leaders

As we pray for the development of leaders, our motivation should reflect that of Jesus: the harvest fields themselves. We need to allow our heart to break for the harvest. 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the...

Every year, a new challenge

Whenever I have overseen people, I have tried to manage them in such a way that not only benefits the organization but also develops the person. When I was a senior pastor, I would think of a new challenge every year for each person I oversaw. I’d think, “What do they...

The key to leadership development…

… is knowing what you’re trying to accomplish. If you want to develop leaders—and know that you’re being successful in that endeavor—you need to get more concrete and specific about what you’re aiming for. What does a leader look like? How do you know if you have one?...

Starting where you are

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...

Getting specific

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...